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Colorado Awards Celebration

  • January 25, 2024
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Meow Wolf Denver, Perplexiplex
  • 6


  • Access for you to the Sonic Guild Colorado Awards Event as the guest of a member
  • Access for you and a complimentary guest as part of a Duo Membership
  • Access for you and 3 complimentary guests as part of Party Membership
  • Access for you as part of Single Membership. An additional ticket for a guest may be purchased as part of this registration.
  • Access for you to a Sonic Guild Event
  • Includes access to VIP reception at 5:30PM - Includes food/beverage/live music

Registration is closed

WHAT: Colorado Awards Celebration

WHERE: Meow Wolf Denver, Perplexiplex

WHEN: January, 25; Doors at 5:30 pm

WHO: Graham Good and The Painters


Annual Sonic Guild Colorado Awards Join us for live music, community, cocktails and celebration of our local musicians, our 2023 grantees!

Connect with our current and past Sonic Guild artists, fellow music lovers and community leaders and enjoy live music by 2023 grantees Graham Good and The Painters.

VIP reception (included with ticket) 5:30-6:30pm Live Music at 6:45pm


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